
Join Us!

SSC is always welcoming new members. We strongly encourage attending one of our meetings to get information about joining. Our membership is limited to 60 people. Our dues are $50 a year for singles and $90 a year for families with children under 18. Our members have lodging priority and pay the lowest rates for food and lodge visits. Guests of members are welcome and pay guest rates for food and lodging, which are still quite reasonable.

Members of other New Jersey Ski & Snowboard Council clubs ( can stay at our lodge at guest rates upon approval of our Membership committee.

Please contact our Membership Director & Treasurer, Corinne Egner, for information about joining our club, attending an online membership meeting, or getting a membership application.

Reasons to Join

Our lodge is for members and their guests only. To make a reservation you must be a member in good standing. All lodge visits are by reservation only.

Lodging can be paid for with checks, credit cards (3% fee assessed for credit card use), and Zelle. Most credit cards are accepted but not cash.

As a club member, you are automatically a member of the New Jersey Ski and Snowboard Council (NJSSC) which provides a variety of benefits, including ski vacations, discount lift tickets, and discounts at local ski shops. Our members receive discounts on lift tickets, food, and lodging.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Do you have to be a skier to join SSC?
A. SSC is a true ski and snowboard club, in which skiing or riding is our primary activity. However, non-skiing guests are always welcome.
Q. What are the benefits of joining?
A. Our members enjoy our ski club lodge in Vermont, group ski vacations, discount Killington and Pico lift tickets, and special opportunities through our affiliation with the New Jersey Ski and Snowboard Council.
Q. When & where are the SSC meetings?
A. Our meetings are being held on Zoom. They are the second Thursday of the month from October through April. Please contact our Membership Director to receive the Zoom link to the meetings if you are interested in attending.
Q. Is the SSC a singles club?
A. No, our membership is a mix of singles, families and couples. We are open to all types of members.
Q. Is SSC a family ski club?
A. Yes. Families are welcome to join our club and children are welcome to stay at our lodge. Children must be over the age of 6, always accompanied by their parent or guardian, and be considerate of other guests.
Q. What is the age range of the members of the Somerville Ski Club (SSC)?
A. We have members of all ages. The ages of our members range from their 30’s to late 70’s. All ages are welcome.
Q. What is the percentage of men and woman who are members of SSC?
A. Overall 50/50 men & women.
Q. Is it difficult get to know people who are members of SSC?
A. No! We truly welcome new members and guests. We have periodic meetings and dinners throughout the year and prospective members are encouraged to attend.
Q. Does SSC have a lodge near a ski area?
A. Yes! We have a wonderful & centrally located lodge in Rutland, VT. It is only 20 minutes from Killington, 10 minutes from Pico and 35 minutes from Okemo.
Q. What types of skiing does SSC offer?
A. Our club is primarily a lodge-based ski club with our members using our lodge during the ski season. We are close to many alpine and cross-country ski areas.
Q. Do you have to clean the lodge after using it?
A. No. Your nightly and weekend costs include this service. However, it is expected that all members and guests will keep their room tidy and remove bed linens at the end of their stay.
Q. Are alcoholic beverages served?
A. We are a BYOB lodge.